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Child Abuse & Neglect (CAN) Online Training Annual Requirement


***Training must be taken prior to going on field trips or volunteering in the classroom***


Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) values the volunteers who work in our schools to enrich our students’ experiences. As a community, we all are mindful of our shared responsibility to create safe, nurturing environments for our students. The Montgomery County Board of Education has revised its child abuse policy, and MCPS has engaged in a comprehensive effort to implement practices and protocols to ensure all of our students have a safe learning environment. As part of this ongoing effort, MCPS has developed training for all volunteers in the district to learn about recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect.


This online training takes about 30 minutes to complete and can be accessed by clicking here or by going to the following MCPS website - .


We strongly recommend you take your training before Back To School Night.

Please turn in your Certification of Completion to the main office.



© 2022 WT Page PTA


Montgomery County

Silver Spring, Maryland

William Tyler Page Elementary

13400 Tamarack Rd

Silver Spring, MD 20904

(240) 740-7560


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