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Free Community Support Services

Dear Page Community,

We hope you and your family are managing well through all the changes due to the global pandemic. While we cannot be together physically, we are sending good wishes and support to the Page PTA community. One of our PTA members, Christine Marr, has compiled a list (below) of free community resources for self-care, connecting, releasing stress and staying healthy. These include:

  • Free guided imagery recordings valued at $400

  • Many newly free services worth hundreds, including live support groups and talk space calls

  • EFT, A quick and easy method used by the Veteran's Association to lower cortisol, the stress hormone

  • Physician guided meditation and health support

  • Coronavirus specific stress release

  • Family relationship support while home together

  • Free support for teachers, parents, clergy, first responders, mental health workers. adults, kids and pregnant moms to be.

Check it out and pass it on.


Christine Marr and WT Page PTA


Community Support Resources

Covid Self Care Support Calls - calls for anyone, and calls for parents, for clergy

Free local weekly social and support talk space groups for different ages 11 to adult. See below.

Heart Math Connect with the Heart of Who You Truly Are Free now

Heart Math Institute Quick Coherence Technique for Adults, Adolescents

Coronavirus related coping resources

Dr. Kim D’Eramo, DO, former ER physician and founder of the American Institute of Mind Body Medicine

EFT Tapping for Coronavirus stress, family relationships, fear, health, money concerns

Brad Yates Free live EFT tapping for stress and problem release, mood, energy, health improvement

If I haven’t shared tapping with you yet, you can find some introductory information at and

Nick and Jessica Ortner tapping for coronavirus related

6 Months Free membership for Teachers, First Responders and Mental Health Workers

FREE ONLINE MASTERCLASS: a holistic pediatrician’s guide to the pandemic: how to be prepared, and what to do if you get it Sunday, April 26 at 1pm PST/4pm EST

Recording may be available if you miss this live

Pregnant Moms with Hospital Birth Concerns during coronavirus

Breathing Exercises- check 4 Square Breathing and other breathing and relaxation exercises on Youtube Kids

Free meditation app -

Free guided imagery over $400 of free quality recorded guided imagery meditations, and one specifically for an immune boost

EFT Tapping – Many free video guides on youtube for this gentle and effective, research based self acupressure method. It lowers cortisol so decreases stress, It can bring up and then release emotions and blocks to healing, and increase clear, positive energy flow. You can learn and practice yourself or with others. You can search your symptom or goal and EFT and Brad Yates, Jessica Ortner in English and en Espanol, Julie Shiffman or Autogestiona tu Salud . Many free tools at And

Tapping introduction and videos- English (Spanish below)

Spanish EFT tapping introduction videos

A powerful energy transforming exercisee by Dr. Kim D’Eramo

A powerful manifesting meditation by Kelly Howell- listen with headphones if you can

What do you wish for now? After this whole situation is passed?

Youtube and FB pages for free FB live guided tapping and meditation, music, etc

· EFT videos- youtube free- search “EFT tapping and _____ “ fill in the blank for the problem or desired feeling/ goal and you’ll find many videos.

· Dr. Kim D’Eramo free on youtube and facebook (FB mindbody community) ,

· Mark Romero Music free on youtube and facebook

· Binaural beat theta, delta, gamma recordings (listen with headphones) for sleep, relaxation, healing. Isochronic brainwave entrainment can listen without headphones

· Brad Yates playlist of his most relevant free videos for feelings/ concerns related to this situation we’re in now

· Yoga nidra meditation for recovery, healing, addiction

Financial concerns free recordings and ebook and Lesson 1 in the back of the paperback book Feel Free to Prosper by Marilyn Jennet really works

Free Telehealth Talk Spaces - Register at hello @

We can also be reached at: 301.576.6044

We know this is a stressful time for everyone. To help ease the worry and to offer support, we are offering daily, free ‘on-line’ support groups to the community. Our hope is to provide connection, and to reduce the isolation that can be felt with social distancing. Sessions will meet each week, at the specified times, until life returns to a more familiar rhythm.

Groups will begin on Monday March 23rd. Registration is required. Participants can join before or after the start date.

*’Tween’ Mindfulness with Art Support Group – ages 11-13 – Mondays 4 – 4:45 PM

Tweens will utilize art and mindfulness techniques to manage stress, socialize, share their worries, and connect with new friends.

*Teen Talk Space Support Group – ages 14-18 – Tuesdays 2 – 2:45 PM

Teens will meet to socialize and chat about life, manage their current ‘new normal,’ share their fears, and help overcome feelings of isolation.

*College Student Mindfulness Support Group – Fridays 2 – 2:45 PM

College students will chat and use mindfulness techniques to help them navigate being away from college friends, transitioning back to family life, and dealing with uncertainty about the future.

*Adult Talk Space Support Group – ages 21+ – Wednesdays 6 – 6:45 PM

Adults can converse with each other about life, family and work concerns, new fears, and adjusting to the current rhythm of life.

*Parent Talk Support Group – Thursdays 9 – 9:45 AM

Parents will meet to share ideas for how to manage life at home, express frustrations and worries, navigate child behavioral difficulties, gather ideas for how to talk to kids about the current challenges, and handle their own emotions.

*Facebook Well-being Book Club – Ongoing

Interested in a free on-line book club based in well-being? Our life coach, Dr. Stefanie Bloom, is hosting one on Facebook. This will be another great way to reduce isolation during social distancing. You can join in, and add to the discussion at any time, once you register.

We are also offering the following reduced fee services:

Weekday Mindfulness Walking Group Coaching – Do you need motivation to exercise and get outside? Would you like to learn Mindfulness strategies? Our life coach, Dr. Stefanie Bloom, is offering a drop-in group Monday-Friday at 9 AM. Each session will cost $15. The group will stay connected on-line through their phones as they walk and talk. Each day will be themed with meditation and mindfulness techniques. Those who register for a full week will also receive a private 20-minute coaching session with Stefanie.

Register at hello @

We can also be reached at: 301.576.6044

For each group, one of our clinicians will be available to guide, lead, and moderate. Please keep in mind that these groups are not intended as group therapy. Those who register are doing so as participants, not as patients.

HIPAA compliant on-line meeting space will be provided for security. While we will ask that group members respect privacy, it cannot be guaranteed. There is no time commitment for these groups. Sign-in briefly, or stay for the duration. Attend once, or every week, until social distancing is lifted, and life returns to a more familiar routine.

For other very low cost counseling check- Aspire Counseling, Mary Center, UMD student counseling and Center for Healthy Families

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© 2022 WT Page PTA


Montgomery County

Silver Spring, Maryland

William Tyler Page Elementary

13400 Tamarack Rd

Silver Spring, MD 20904

(240) 740-7560

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