The PTA is partnering with students of Page for our first online Penguin Pride Read-A-Thon for the month of May. Due to the pandemic and safety precautions, all fundraising activity for this event will be conducted online. Students wishing to participate use the button below to go to the registration page starting April 7, 2021, after which time they can begin to solicit for pledges.
Parents/Guardians should help their child through the registration process as they need a valid email address (yours) to complete the registration process. NOTE: Students cannot used their school-issued "@mcpsmd.net" email address for registration. This easy process can be done on a PC, smart phone, or tablet.
Participating students who register solicit support from their friends and family for pledges toward their reading efforts from May 1-31, 2021. Supporters either pledge a flat amount, e.g. $25, or a pledge-per-minute of reading, e.g. $0.25 per minute. Throughout the month of May, participating students record the number of daily minutes read on their personalized pledge page they created during registration. All students may participate regardless of reading level because time spent being read to counts as valid reading time for our younger students.
The PTA will award prizes (TBD) to the students with the 1) most minutes, 2) most pledges, and 3) the most money raised.
How to Record Your Child's Minutes
To enter minutes, do the following:
Go to https://fillthebeak.memberhub.gives/readathon
Sign in with the email + pw you used to create the registration
Click the tab that says "Students"
Find your child's "card"
Click the ellipses in the upper right corner
Select "Enter Minutes"
Each parent was emailed from MemberHub on the day you registered your child with the subject "Your Student Registration is Complete". This includes links to their personal page and a direct link for you to enter their minutes. If you cannot find that email, you need to use the steps above.