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Talking About COVID-19 With Your Kids

[The below was shared by Jade Gilchrist, our Parent Community Coordinator] The coronavirus (COVID-19) and our attempts to deal with it have had a large impact on society. Reports of positive cases of coronavirus and deaths from the coronavirus both in the United States and around the world continue to grow. We may know someone who has tested positive or their family. Our daily lives have been disrupted because of quarantines, businesses closing, school closures and needing to avoid contact with others. Non-stop media coverage and the spread of inaccurate information add to our worry and anxiety about how to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Children often have a harder time coping with stress and anxiety than adults. They may lack the skills to deal with stress or feel confused about how to stay safe. Other children may not ask questions because they do not want to worry or upset adults. Talking with your children about coronavirus is encouraged to help them deal with the uncertainty and change they are experiencing. Below are some suggestions for talking about coronavirus with your kids:

  • encourage kids to ask questions and share what they think and feel

  • ask kids what they are thinking and feeling

  • be sure to give them breaks from media (TV, radio, internet) talking about coronavirus

  • answer their questions honestly and do not be afraid to tell them to you do not

  • know the answer to all their questions

  • be ready to talk about it when they are ready to talk about it

  • talk about the need to regularly wash their hands

  • tell them that things will continue to change as we work to keep everyone safe and healthy

  • tell them they are loved and cared for

Resources exist to help you have this discussion with your children:

We wish you health and well-being during these difficult times and hope that these resources are helpful for you and your family.

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